EPC: engineering procurement construction

Revolutionizing Energy Generation:
unleashing the Power of Solar Panel Construction

PV Eurosolution offre servizi competitivi e tecniche di installazione innovative - incluse quelle meccaniche ed elettriche - rispettando al contempo le consegne puntuali in piena conformità al sistema di certificazione della qualità ISO 9001 & ISO 50001. Worldwide.

On-schedule delivery.
Bullet-proof construction.


Very accurate planning and management of siteworks are the decisive factors for our success in building a solar power plant.
La costruzione di progetti fotovoltaici rappresenta il nostro core business: offriamo servizi competitivi e garantiamo la consegna nei tempi previsti, seguendo rigide regole di sicurezza ed eseguendo l'installazione meccanica ed elettrica degli impianti fotovoltaici sotto il pieno controllo di qualità (certificazione ISO 9001 & ISO 50001).

The experience of our team is the guarantee of a professional service during all the working phases, following the components manufactures’ instructions and customer specifications.

PV Eurosolution provides professional services to cover the different stages of construction, including:
  • Civil Works
  • Foundations and pile driving
  • Installations of pv modules
  • DC-side electric Installation
  • AC-side electric Installation
  • Monitoring and security systems
  • Testing and commissioning

Are you a land owner?
Discover the pv applications that are more suitable to you

By investing in your land you are taking part to the energy transition and creating a sustainable project for the environment, the economy you’re your territory.

Some of the benefits for your investment


Il fotovoltaico su tetto può essere installato strategicamente su qualsiasi superficie, anche pensiline e facciate, andando a siritare al massimo le aree meglio orientate verso il Sole.

Costi e

Gli impianti fotovoltaici consentono l’autoproduzione e ‘autoconsumo di energia elettrica, riducendo i costi, ottimizzando i consumi e garantendo la totale indipendenza dai flussi di mercato della rete.


Investire in soluzioni sostenibili e risorse rinnovabili ha un impatto etico e di reputazione anche sull’immagine dell’azienda, che si schiera a difesa dell’ambiente e della tutela del futuro del Pianeta.


PV Eurosolution si prende cura di tutto il processo ed è garante per l’intero ciclo di vita del progetto. A te è solo richiesto di sentirti parte di questa causa sostenibile.
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Sfrutta anche
i parcheggi

Il fotovoltaico a terra può essere utilizzato anche per coprire i parcheggi e installare le strutture di ricarica per le macchine elettriche, oltre che per i terreni agricoli, svolgendo molteplici funzioni in aggiunta alla produzione di energia elettrica.

Sfrutta i

Destinare i terreni agricoli o in disuso a un impianto fotovoltaico porta benefici economici, opportunità di investimento, indipendenza energetica, collaborazione locale, ombreggiamento ed efficienza, oltre ad essere un’azione sostenibile.

Costi e

Gli impianti fotovoltaici consentono l’autoproduzione e ‘autoconsumo di energia elettrica, riducendo i costi, ottimizzando i consumi e garantendo la totale indipendenza dai flussi di mercato della rete.


razie alla risorsa rinnovabile a cui attinge, il fotovoltaico rientra nei progetti di sostenibilità che accelerano la transizione energetica, riducendo la carbon footprint e le emissioni di CO2 nell’ambiente
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Do you have a project?
Discover the pv applications that are more suitable to you

By investing in pv solutions, you are taking part in the energy transition and creating a sustainable project for the environment, the economy and your territory.

Some of the benefits for your investment


PV systems can be easily installed on any surface, even on planform roofs and facades, taking the maximum advantage from the over-exposed-to-sun area

Take advantage of the parking spots

PV technology can also be installed over parking spots and to set electric cars recharge pit-stops, or even more for agricultural lands by providing multiple benefits in addition to energy production.

Photovoltaic systems
on rooftops

Green field photovoltaic systems

Costs and optimization

PV systems allow energy auto-production and auto-usage, reducing costs, optimizing the usage, and guaranteeing total independence from market net fluctuation.

Take advantage of your land

Installing a pv system on unused or agricultural land increase crop productivity through the most optimized resources, while being an environmentally friendly investment opportunity and guaranteeing energy independence.

Brand image

Investing in sustainable solutions and renewable resources also has an ethical and reputational impact on the image of the company, which takes sides in defense of the environment and the protection of the future of the planet.

Costs and optimization

PV systems allow energy auto-production and auto-usage, reducing costs, optimizing the usage, and guaranteeing total independence from market net fluctuation.

Zero stress

PV Eurosolution takes care of the whole process and it’s the reference for the whole project life cycle. You are only asked to feel part of this sustainable cause.

Environmental sustainability

Thanks to the renewable source they drew from, photovoltaic solutions belong to the sustainable projects that accelerate the energy transition, lowering the carbon footprint and the CO2 emission in the environment.

Schedule a consultancy appointment for further in-depth analysis and specific features related to your own land or project idea.


Busseto: the largest solar tracker plant in Emilia Romagna

MW Nominal


In the municipality of Busseto (Parma), DG Energy together with PV Eurosolution redevelops abandoned industrial sites in favor of energy transition, developing a photovoltaic system on trackers with bifacial modules for agriculture energy production.
Plant type: single-axis tracker 
Nominal Power: 7 MWp
Specifiche tecniche: bifacial modules; single axis trackers
Anno 2023
Timeline: February 2023 - June 2023
CO2 saved: 10,000t

Invest in photovoltaic projects and support the Planet

Produce clean energy from the Sun, saving on costs, optimizing the results, and safeguarding the environment and your company.